For two days this week, I heard the Gospel in Matthew about The Walking on the Water during mass.
The disciples see Jesus walking on the water and they at first think it is a ghost. Jesus allays their fears and says to “take courage” and “be not afraid.”
Peter also walks on water after he says to Jesus,
“Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
Jesus invites Peter: “Come.”
The passage reads:
Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Peter is able to walk on water when he focuses on Jesus and walks toward Jesus. It is when Peter shifts his eyes away from Jesus and towards the wind that Peter became frightened and started to sink.
Jesus wants us to have unshakeable faith in him. Jesus wants us to focus our eyes on him.
If you are called to the vocation of marriage and it hasn’t happened yet, God is calling you to greater things:
greater confidence
greater joy
greater hope
greater trust
greater love
greater belief that you deserve and are worthy of love
greater fortitude.
Clear out the clutter in your mind.
Clear out limiting beliefs.
Clear out the thought that the past is how your future will be.
Clear out negativity from others.
Clear out bad habits.
Clear out fear.
Empty your cup of what is causing you to choose
to not meet people,
to not tell people that you would like to get married someday, and
to not fully respond to God’s call of marriage for you.
Believe in yourself.
Believe in your dream.
Believe in a better future.
Believe in God.
Believe Jesus is walking with you and sharing your journey.
Believe the Holy Spirit is guiding you.
God would not put a dream in your heart if there was not a way for you.
I know that you don’t see the way, but with God, you will be shown the path.
Remember to give time to reading passages in the bible that inspire you. There are so many passages in the bible that call you to
Be not afraid and put your eyes on Jesus.
Right now, you see that finding the right mate for you is like “walking on water.” Just as Peter was able to walk on water by keeping his eyes on Jesus. You can move forward on your journey to finding true love by drawing closer to Jesus.
Have greater faith.
Are you going to accept Jesus’ call?