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Finally Opening the Box of My Tower Garden. Sowing My Seeds of Faith and Hope

Celeste Sibolboro

Updated: Mar 20, 2022

I bought my Tower Garden July 27 and it shipped on July 28 and arrived one week later on August 4. I’d say that it is quick service. I had decided to get a Tower Garden because the person whom I found out about the Tower Garden said that she has a brown thumb, and yet she is able to grow vegetables that she can eat directly from her Tower Garden. I saw pictures on her Facebook timeline of a bouquet of kale, pictures of her Tower Garden, and a salad she had made with spinach, arugula, lettuce, and basil. From listening to her experiences for about three weeks and seeing her Facebook timeline, I finally decided to open up her email about joining Tower Garden.

I was amazed about the Tower Garden opportunity. When I first learned about the Tower Garden from her, I learned it was over $600 and I said to myself that I would just think about it sometime in the future. I thought that I would be better off keeping $600 at the time, than on spending it. After I checked my friend’s email, I saw that I could get the Tower Garden on a payment plan. That was more appealing to me and to join the franchise was only $52. Later, I found that it is $52 a year and that’s including a website where Tower Garden writers have a blog and I have the support of my friend and her team as well. I thought that was a good opportunity for me to get into.

I’ve always wanted to have a green thumb like my father. He just seemed to have a natural knack at it. Gardening was his favorite hobby and we’d always eat something form our backyard. Growing up, some of the items from my dad’s garden included squash tops, calamansi (a citrus fruit), figs, lemons, limes, guava, corn, watermelon, oranges, and papaya.

I’ve tried to grow flowers and plants, but it just never worked out for me. I’ve tried so many times.

Looking back now, I probably should have apprenticed under my dad. I just didn’t think of it at the time. My dad spent a lot of time in the backyard. I remember one time having to water all the plants in the backyard because he was in the Philippines and it took me over an hour. At the time when I was living with my parents, I just wasn’t interested. But, now I am. Now that I see the value of eating organic food and fresh green leafy vegetables.

Now, even though I got the Tower Garden and had it for over two weeks, I didn’t open the box because I still have doubts about whether I can do it. Well, I didn’t want to have my friend keep asking me whether I started with it and I really did want to get started with it. So, even though I have a limiting belief about my ability to grow vegetables on a Tower Garden, I sowed the seeds of faith and hope for myself in regard to this. My friend had directed me to where I can look for videos to help me.

Yesterday, I finally opened the Tower Garden box that’s been sitting in a corner in my home for about 19 days. I followed the directions an instruction sheet that Tower Garden provided and a video about installing the Tower Garden that is on YouTube. It wasn’t so bad after all.

Today, I finally sowed the starter seeds that were provided. I did it after all.

It did take me awhile to set up the Tower Garden because I wanted to take pictures and create a video, but I think you can set up a Tower Garden in about an hour and sow the starter seeds in about 30 minutes. I read somewhere on social media that someone had their teenager set up the Tower Garden and the teenager set it up in about 15 minutes.

I’m kind of still doubting about whether I can do this Tower Garden thing, but I know that I have support from my friend and I have the intention that this will work for me. I am going to keep sowing the seeds of faith and hope in myself. I will consistently do what I can to make my Tower Garden be a fruitful endeavor for me. I’m so glad that I’ve broken through the procrastination about opening the Tower Garden box. I am really thinking more on the benefit that I’ll be eating very, very fresh vegetables that I planted myself. This is something that I’ve wanted to be able to do for a long time. My friend said that it’s so much easier to care for plants in a Tower Garden than in a regular garden. She said that it takes less time and water.

By opening the box of the Tower Garden, I feel like I have given a gift to myself. It’s like I’m saying to myself, “I can do this. I can garden. I can be successful. My dream of gardening is important.”

How about you? Have you wanted to try something for a long time and you have procrastinated on it? Is it time to open the box to your dream? Will you open yourself up to it?

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